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My WOD History

No772.Snatch, Cindy Today WOD : Snatch, Cindy 날짜 : 2017.01.07 Rx'd: 155, A Done(SCTB) Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 Time cap 15min 2. EMOM 20minOdd : 1R Cindy+Even : 1 Snatch 185/115lb * Cindy+ : 5 CTB + 10 push up + 15 squat A.1R Cindy1 Snatch 135/95lb[출처] 170107 "Snatch, Cindy" (리복 크로스핏 투혼) |작성자 싼 더보기
No771.Row_PC_BFB Today WOD : Row_PC_BFB날짜 : 2017.01.06 5 Rounds, for max reps: 1:00 Row for Calories 1:00 Power Cleans (135/95) 1:00 Bar facing burpees 1:00 Rest A115/75Burpees over Bar B95/65 C-/- Hang 가능Not over the bar Rx'd 220[출처] 170106"Row_PC_BFB" (리복 크로스핏 투혼) |작성자 오동일 더보기
No770.PU_JL_STO_JL Today WOD : PU_JL_STO_JL날짜 : 2017.01.04 For time of 30-20-10: Pull-ups Jumping Lunges Directly into... 30-20-10: Shoulder to Overhead (135/95#) Jumping Lunges A105/65 BBand ok75/55 C20-15-10step lunge-/- Time cap:20min Rx'd, 20:21 [출처] 160104"PU_JL_STO_JL" (리복 크로스핏 투혼) |작성자 오동일 더보기
No769.개인운동 Today WOD : 개인운동 날짜 : 2017.01.03 155 클린. 더보기
No768.Cindy_DT_Row Today WOD : Cindy_DT_Row날짜 : 2016.12.18 For time: 5 Rounds of Cindy* directly into: 3 Rounds of DT** Directly into: 1,000m Row *1 Round of "Cindy": 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air Squats **1 Round of "DT": 12 DL + 9 HPC + 6 PJ (155/105) A135/95 B95/65band + knee ok C-/-코치와 상담 #Time cap:20min Rx'd 18:45[출처] 161228"Cindy_DT_Row" (리복 크로스핏 투혼) |작성자 오동일 더보기
No767.DU_Dead_burpee Today WOD : DU_Dead_burpee날짜 : 2016.12.23 1.Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 climb (TnG) 2.AMRAP 3: 75 DU Buy-In 15 Deadlifts (185/135) 15 Bar Facing Burpees Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3: 75 DU Buy-in 10 Deadlifts (225/155) 10 Bar Facing Burpees Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3: 75 DU Buy-in 5 Deadlifts (275/185) 5 Bar Facing Burpees Rx'd, 395, 88[출처] 161223"DU_Dead_burpee" (리복 크로스핏 투혼) |작성자 오동일 더보기
No766.Elizabeth Today WOD : Elizabeth날짜 : 2016.12.20 1. OlyliftingSquat clean 1-1-1(무리하지 않습니다) 2. Metcon"Elizabeth"21-15-9Squat clean, 135/95Ring dip A115/75 B95/65Dip(box)orPush up(knee ok) C-/-Bench dip or knee push-up #링딥은 알엑스디가 우선권!! 1. Squat Clean : 225lbs 235lbs 받고 실패.2. Rx'd 8:16[출처] 18:1661220"Elizabeth" (리복 크로스핏 투혼) |작성자 오동일 더보기
No765.BP_C&J_BP Today WOD : BP_C&J_BP날짜 : 2016.12.16 For time:20 Burpee over the bar 165/115-lb. clean and jerks, 20 reps 20 Burpee over the bar A135/95 B115/75 C95/65 DNot over the bar-/- Rx'd, 8:4 더보기
No764.OHS_FS_BS Today WOD : OHS_FS_BS날짜 : 2016.12.14 Strength Overhead sqaut 3-3-3-3Front squat 3-3-3-3Back sqaut 3-3-3-3 all across # 기록은 135+205+245 = 585 OHS : 135lbsFS : 215lbsBS : 265lbs[출처] 161214"OHS_FS_BS" (리복 크로스핏 투혼) |작성자 오동일 더보기
No763.Teams of 3 Today WOD : Teams of 3 날짜 : 2016.12.12 Teams of 3: AMRAP 25: 100 Cal Row, 50 Thrusters (95/65) 100 Cal Row, 50 Thrusters (135/95) 100 Cal Row, 50 Thrusters (155/105) 100 Cal Row, Max Thrusters (185/135) A100 Cal Row, 50 Thrusters (75/55) 100 Cal Row, 50 Thrusters (115/75) 100 Cal Row, 50 Thrusters (135/95) 100 Cal Row, Max Thrusters (155/105) B100 Cal Row, 50 Thrusters (65/45) 100 Cal Row, 50 Th.. 더보기